1. Do deep breathing.
2. Find a colleague who you feel you can talk to. Having the sympathetic ear of a co-worker can help ease your frustrations.
3. Have a "Me Time". Enjoy doing things not connected to teaching. This way, you can savor other interesting stuff and distance yourself from work-related stress.
4. Write down a list of accomplishments that you have had as an individual and as an educator. If you are having a bad day read the list to yourself and reflect on all the positive things you have done.
5. Share laughter with your students. Find small ways to not take yourself so seriously.
6. Keep lotion on your desk. Applying lotion to your hands can reduce stress, and scents such as peppermint can help lift your mood.
7. Close your eyes and visualize a relaxing scene.
8. Take a quick walk around the school during breaks.
9. Play your favorite music during break time. We all know that music brings back memories and playing your favorite one can motivate your mood instantly.
10. Remember why you teach. The heaviest reason for most teachers is to actually make an impact on a child's life and help them not only become functionally literate but also become good persons.
Source: depedclick.com
10 Anti-Stress Tips for Teachers
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 22, 2020

Yes i will do this..