Download for FREE the following Budget of Work for each subject area in Grade 2. Click on the download link beside each subject to get your FRE AND DIRECT copy.
MTBMLE is education, formal or non - formal, in which the learner’s mother tongue and additional languages are used in the classroom. Learners begin their education in the language they understand best - their mother tongue - and develop a strong foundation in their mother language before adding additional languages. Research stresses the fact that children with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger literacy abilities in the school language. Their knowledge and skills transfer across languages. This bridge enables the learners to use both or all their languages for success in school and for lifelong learning. In terms of cognitive development, the school activities will engage learners to move well beyond th basic wh-questions to cover all higher order thinking skills in L1 which they can transfer to the other languages once enough Filipino or English has been acquired to use these skills in thinking and articulating thoughts.
IMPORTANT: You MUST BE LOGGED IN to your GMAIL ACCOUNT to be able to download these materials. If you are a public school teacher, please use your DepEd Email to maximize its purpose.
Araling Panlipunan 2 BOW (Download)
Mathematics 2 BOW (Download)
Filipino 2 BOW (Download)
English 2 BOW (Download)
ESP 2 BOW (Download)
MTB 2 BOW (Download)
Music 2 BOW (Download)
Art 2 BOW (Download)
PE 2 BOW (Download)
Health 2 BOW (Download)

Budget of Work (BOW) for Grade 2
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 18, 2020

Please send me copy of budget of work in grade 2..thank u