Reiteration of the Guidelines on Alternative Working Arrangements (AWA) for Areas Under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020
Key provisions for guidance are:
1. During MECQ, DepEd offices and schools/CLCs shall operate with minimal skeleton workforce to provide ONLY essential services while the rest of the personnel shall be on Work-From-Home (WFH) Arrangement.
2. Supervising Execom and RDs shall issue an office order/memorandum with the names of personnel identified as Skeleton Workforce that will physically report to the workstations during this period.
3. Heads of Offices are again reminded to ensure that the workplace is compliant with the necessary safety and health precautions.
Reiteration of the Guidelines on Alternative Working Arrangements (AWA) for Areas under MECQ
Reviewed by Teachers Click
August 05, 2020

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