The Department of Education will be adjusting its grading system and its assessment procedures considering the current situation where face-to-face is not allowed.

DepEd Usec. Diosdado San Antonio said in an interview that since learners will be learning at home without the direct and physical supervision of their teachers, they will be eliminating the use of periodical examinations. Instead, they will be graded based on the written outputs and performance tasks.

"We are dispensing with the periodical exams in our proposed (revised) assessment on learning, we'll do written outputs and performance tasks," said San Antonio.

San Antonio also seeks the cooperation and honesty of the parents/guardians in guiding the learners and avoid distance cheating.

"This is the best time for us, so we are appealing to the parents, the grandparents, and other significant adults to help DepEd actually reinforce the value of honesty," he added.

An official issuance shall be released regarding this matter.

NEW GRADING SYSTEM FOR DISTANCE LEARNING (SY 2020-2021) NEW GRADING SYSTEM FOR DISTANCE LEARNING (SY 2020-2021) Reviewed by Teachers Click on September 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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