"The PBB or the Performance-Based Bonus is a component of the PBIS or the Performance-Based Incentive System. The PBB is a top-up bonus which will be given to employees based on their contribution to the achievement of their Department or Agency's targets and commitments in FY 2012."
As per the latest update from the PBB Secretariat, based on the inquiry of the QCPSTA Teachers on December 2, 2020, the DepEd Regional Offices have not yet submitted the Form 1.0 and Evaluation Matrix to the Department of Budget and Management. The release of the Performance-Based Bonus for DepEd personnel shall only be facilitated upon submission of the said documents.
Photo Courtesy: QCPSTA Teachers
PBB 2019 UPDATE for DepEd Personnel (As of December)
Reviewed by Teachers Click
December 03, 2020

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