Only the personnel belonging to eligible delivery units are qualified for the PBB. Refer also to exclusion of individuals as cited in Section 7. While individual ranking shall be the basis for merit increase, promotion, further training and/or disciplinary action, individual ranking shall no longer be included in the Form 1 (See Annex 7).
To recognize high performance of government employees in relation to the achievement of agency targets and requirements for the grant of the FY 2019 PBB, departments/agencies shall list the names of employees who belong in the Best Delivery Unit/s using the Form 1 (See Annex 7).
The GCG, the LWUA, the DILG, and the DepEd shall issue pertinent Guidelines on the ranking of delivery units for GOCCs covered by GCG, LWDs, LGUs, and DepEd Delivery Units respectively.
To heighten transparency among delivery units and employees, departments/agencies shall cascade to their employees the agency guidelines/mechanics in ranking delivery units for the grant of the FY 2019 PBB. Departments/Agencies shall prepare the System of Agency Ranking Delivery Units for FY 2019 PBB using the Form for the Guidelines/Mechanics in Ranking Delivery Units (See Annex 8). The duly completed and signed agency guidelines in ranking delivery units shall be posted on the agency TS webpage on or before October 1, 2019.
The rates of the PBB for each individual shall be based on the performance ranking of the individual's bureaus or delivery units with the rate of incentive as a multiple of one's monthly basic salary as of December 31, 2019, based on the table below:
Rates of PBB 2019 for Gov't Workers
Reviewed by Teachers Click
December 09, 2020

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