The Department of Education recently released the guidelines allowing its personnel to reimburse their communication expenses from the month of March to December of this year, 2020. Personnel may reimburse up to P300 per month.
To be able to reimburse the said expenses, heads of offices shall identify and issue certifications to employees authorizing them to claim the reimbursement.
“The amount which may be reimbursed shall not exceed P300 per month, to be certified by the authorized claimant as actual expenses incurred in connection with the discharge of their official functions and are necessary to support the operations of the agency amidst the pandemic,” stated on the guidelines.
Employees who will reimburse the communication expenses shall also submit proof of purchase of prepaid load and screenshots or scanned copies of confirmation of mobile e-load with a reference number.
For more information regarding this, please contact your immediate head of the office.
Teachers may reimburse their communication expenses from March to December 2020
Reviewed by Teachers Click
December 03, 2020

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