Usec. Sevilla gives updates on SRI for DepEd employees (January 10, 2020)

DepEd Undersecretary for Finance, Annalyn M. Sevilla, posted on her official Facebook Page the latest updates with regard to the Service Recognition Incentive (SRI) for DepEd employees. In her post, she reiterated the steps being made by the department in order for the said SRI to be released to all qualified personnel.

Here is the full text of her updates:

For all DepEd family members inquiring about Service Recognition Incentive (SRI),  I already explained in my previous update (see this link- that there are a lot of conditionalities that DepEd has to comply with before the processing, release, and payment of the same is made to its employees.  

These are all indicated and/or provided in the Administrative Order for SRI (please see this previous FB post- 

I reiterate the following for a better understanding of what we have been doing and to ensure that we are not stopping from finding ways to make this SRI be a reality for all of us. 

1. Amount of savings in Personal Services and other MOOE budget items need to be pooled and submitted to dbm for modification (since funds will be coming from schools, divisions, regions and central office, it will require time to consolidate and submit to DBM). 

2. Modification of mooe to PS so it can become a source for SRI has to be evaluated and approved by DBM. 

3. Amount of SRI should be “uniform” or same in rate for all DepEd employees. 

4. SRI can still happen, and it can be paid to all employees but we need to do the right process and determine the total available pooled amount so we can also compute how much is the possible uniform rate we can give to employees. 

5. Admin and finance units from all levels of governance of the DepEd are doing its best to pass all conditionalities and process them ASAP so it can reach you. Please watch this video recording made by a Central Office Budget staff (Gilbert Morong - so you can understand the process we are undertaking since Dec 29 until now. It meant sleepless nights, continuous meetings and consistent coordination with all deped implementing units and DBM partners (who are all very helpful and accommodating to our Department’s needs).  

Thank you for all your understanding, patience and commitment to public service and quality education for all our learners. 

-Anne Sevilla
Jan 10, 2020

Usec. Sevilla gives updates on SRI for DepEd employees (January 10, 2020) Usec. Sevilla gives updates on SRI for DepEd employees (January 10, 2020) Reviewed by Teachers Click on January 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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