A National Performance Management Team Meeting was conducted last March 11, 2021 to present the Final 2019 PBB Validation Results, PBB 2020 Indicators, and Preparation for the next PBB Cycle (RPMS in times of COVID).
For PBB 2019, DepEd met 13 out of the 15 indicators. The two (2) indicators DepEd is non-compliant are: Posting of Indicative FY 2020 APP Non-CSE and Undertaking of Early Procurement for at least 50% of goods and services.
DepEd is eligible as an agency. Teaching and non-teaching personnel are eligible, but selected accountable offices or officers in the non-compliant regions will be isolated. The said officials or personnel will be included in the isolation list for PBB 2019 and will be ineligible for the grant of PBB, subject to the approval of the IATF.
As of today, there were 13 regions for school-based personnel reports were submitted already last to AO 25 Secretariat then onward endorsement to DBM.
Source: Department of Education
Status of PBB 2019 in All Regions as of April 20, 2021
Reviewed by Teachers Click
May 02, 2021

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