DepEd Official e-IPCRF & e-SAT Consolidation Tool for SY 2020-2021 (Released by DepEd-BHROD, June 23, 2021)
The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – Human Resource and Development Division (BHROD-HRDD), with the assistance of our Information and Communications Technology (ICT) experts from the field, have developed the electronic –
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (e-IPCRF) and electronic – Self-Assessment Tool (e-SAT) Consolidation Tool for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 which was modified to complement the changes in the RPMS Tools of Proficient and Highly Proficient Teachers. These electronic tools shall be used by teaching personnel to accomplish and submit their IPCRFs for SY 2020-2021.
Included also are the Guide on the Use of the e-IPCRF for SY 2020-2021 (see Annex A) and the Guide on the use of the e-SAT Consolidation Tool for SY 2020-2021 (see Annex B ). The said electronic tools can be accessed and downloaded through this link: (See "Other Associated Tools" folder)
Further, may we remind and direct all field personnel to refrain from using and distributing unauthorized tools/versions of the SY 2020-2021 e-ICPRF and/or e-SAT Consolidation Tool which circulated in various online platforms prior to the issuance of this memorandum. Continued use of these tools will result in incompatibility with the official version issued by the Central Office, specifically, issues such as errors in the data collection of e-IPCRF results and consolidation of e-SAT results. In cases where a field personnel were able to complete the accomplishment of their e-IPCRFs or e-SAT Consolidation Tool, the said personnel must transfer the information from these unauthorized tools to the prescribed tools/version issued by this Office.
For any questions or clarifications, you may contact BHROD-HRDD at telephone no. (02) 8470-6630 or email at
For your information and guidance.
Source: DepEd-BHROD
DepEd Official e-IPCRF & e-SAT Consolidation Tool for SY 2020-2021 (Released by DepEd-BHROD, June 23, 2021)
Reviewed by Teachers Click
June 23, 2021

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