To ensure the quality of education in the region, the Cordillera Administrative Region has a "NO READ, NO PASS" policy to ensure that every child is a successful reader before he/she gets promoted to the next grade level.
In the said policy, "it is expected that no pupil shall be promoted to the next higher level unless he or she manifests mastery of the basic literacy skills at a particular grade level. All possible means of assistance and encouragement shall be extended to enable the child to read."
Last school year, a Regional Memorandum was issued reiterating the strict implementation of this policy.
Schools Division Superintendents
All Divisions
1. The Department of Education - Cordillera Administrative Region strongly reiterates the "No Read, No Pass" policy in all public and private schools in the region. As stated in DepEd Order No. 45, s. 2002, it is expected that no pupil shall be promoted to the next higher level unless he or she manifests mastery of the basic literacy skills at a particular grade level. All possible means of assistance and encouragement shall be extended to enable the child to read.
2. One of the main thrusts of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA 10533) is to ensure that every child is a successful reader by Grade 1. Moreover, "Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) is designed to equip elementary pupils with strategic reading and writing skills to make them independent under frustration level or non-readers shall be provided with necessary interventions.
4. Phil-IRI post-test shall be conducted in March 2020 to determine learners who shall be retained in the current grade level.
5. School heads shall provide the necessary support to upskill and reskill teachers in the provision of appropriate interventions and shall ensure that learners do not graduate as non-readers.
6. Schools Division Offices shall ensure continuous monitoring of the implementation of this policy in schools.
7. Strict compliance to this memorandum is desired.
Regional Director
"NO READ, NO PASS" policy implemented in a certain region
Reviewed by Teachers Click
June 25, 2021

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