The Department of Education is eyeing for a twice a month release of salary for public school teachers and other personnel to minimize the financial constraints of teachers.
“Once a month salary releases to DepEd personnel at the field units contributed to the issue on personal financial management of teachers,” DepEd Usec. Sevilla said during the virtual press briefing held on Monday.
“If the salary of personnel is released on a twice a month basis, the wide gap existing in the present set up of once a month basis shall be closer,” she added.
While many of the teachers are in favor of this plan by the Department, others have expressed that they would appreciate more if the priority is increasing their salaries and not just giving it twice a month.
According to them, the real problem why most of them find it hard to manage their finances is simply because their salaries are practically insufficient.
Teachers prefer salary increase than twice a month release of salary
Reviewed by Teachers Click
June 22, 2021

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