The Department of Education sets to create new teaching positions to expand promotional opportunities for teachers.
DepEd Undersecretary Nepomuceno Malaluan said in a press conference that an executive order to create the positions of Teacher 4, 5, 6. and 7 is now pending at the Office of the Executive Secretary.
"We are awaiting the approval of this executive order expanding the teacher positions with Teacher 4, 5, 6, and 7 and the corresponding higher salary grades," Malaluan said.
"Pagkatapos ng Teacher 3 ay kailangan na ninyong tumalon for promotion to Master Teacher I. In between, may mga head teacher positions tayo pero alam natin na very limited ito kasi head teachers or principal positions are just as many as our schools," he added addressing the teachers.
Malalaun also stressed that there are also very limited positions for Master I and also require higher academic requirements.
Update on the creation of new teaching positions (Teachers IV-VII)
Reviewed by Teachers Click
March 25, 2022

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