The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD), shall administer the 2O21 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads ((NQESH) in June 21,2022. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the examination shall be administered nationwide through a secured online platform. A mock exam shall be conducted prior to the actual examination to familiarize the examinees on the platform. Details of which shall be sent to the examinee's DepEd email address.
Aspiring school heads, regardless of their current positions, are qualified to take the NQESH, provided that the applicants meet the qualification requirements and have acquired any of the following experience requirements as of March 31, 2022, consistent with DO 39, s. 2OO7 titled Modified Qualification Standards for the Positions of Head Teachers and Principals:
a. One year as Head Teacher, or
b. Two years as Teacher-in-Charge, or
c. Two years as Master Teacher, or
d. Teaching experience for Five years as follows:
i. Teacher III or other Teacher positions with same salary grade; or
ii. Incumbent public school teacher who has managerial and
supervisory experience in a DepEd recognized private institution or Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized educational institution; or
iii. Aggregate experience as Head Teacher, Teacher-in-Charge Master Teacher, and Teacher III.
DepEd Memorandum No. 33, s. 2022 (DOWNLOAD)
Conduct of the 2021 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 19, 2022

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