The Department of Education has announced that there will be class suspensions from May 2-13, 2022 to give way to the National Election-Related Activities and for DepEd employees to perform their duties. This is also indicated in the DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2021.
However, teachers without election-related duties are expected to report on-site.
The Alliance of Concerned Teachers has released its quick reaction to the matter of instructing the teachers who will not be serving in the elections to report on-site while schools are being prepared for the said elections.
"It is beyond ridiculous to force teachers without election duties to report on-site while schools are being prepared to serve as voting centers for the May 9 polls," said in the statement.
It also pointed out that in the DepEd School Calendar the days from May 2 to 13 are marked out which means that they are considered non-working days.
"Even DepEd's own school calendar marked the period from May 2–13 as non-school days, and therefore should also not be considered as workdays for teachers," it added.
The group then stressed that the department must guarantee to give service credits to the teachers who will not be serving in the elections if they will be asked to report on-site on the said dates.
"Should DepEd proceed to mandate non-BEIs to report to school for the exigency of service, the department must guarantee them 1.25 service credits and include a provision for such in the official memorandum for said extra days of work," said in the statement.
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 18, 2022

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