To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
A11 Others Concerned
1. This Memorandum provides for the work arrangements in the Department of Education (DepEd) in compliance wit1. Memorandum Circular (MC) No.96 dated February 2A,2022 on the Required On-Site Workforce in Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Under the Alert Level System, issued by the Office of the President.
2. The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) Resolution No. 163-A dated February 27, 2022 titled Guidelines on the Nationwide Implementation of Alert Level System for COVID-l9 Response as of February 27, 2022 provides the agencies and instrumentalities of the government located in areas placed under Alert Level 1 shall adhere to the 1OO% onsite workforce, while off-site work shall be subject to relevant rules and regulations issued by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the OIIice of the President.
3. In light of this, all DepEd offices, schools, and community learning centers (CLCs) are hereby directed to adhere to the 1OO% onsite reporting capacity.
4. This shall cover all teaching and nonteaching personnel, including contracts of service and job orders, in all DepEd offices, schools, and CLCs, both adopting face-to-face classes and distance learning delivery modalities. The Department views the imposition of 10O% onsite reporting under Alert Level 1 as an opportunity to improve the implementation of multiple learning delivery modalities,
through more efficient supervision and monitoring of the proper use of learning modules and online platform, thereby promoting uniformity in the delivery of curriculum and instruction. This shall likewise facilitate the conduct of other school-level activities such as learning action cells, coaching and mentoring, remedial classes, and parent-teacher conferences, among others.
5. School heads shall determine and guide all teaching and nonteaching personnel under their jurisdiction on the work assignment and tasks to be accomplished while reporting onsite using the OfIice/School/CLC Workweek Plan and/or other workload distribution mechanisms.
6. Personnel who are infected or identified as close contacts of suspect, probable and/or confirmed case of COVID-I9 or asymptomatic who underwent t.I:e required quarantine while waiting for the result of swab test administered upon them or completing the required quarantine period as prescribed in IATF Resolution No. 163-A dated February 27,2022 and CSC MC 2, s. 2022 shall not be required to report to
work and may avail of the excused absence or adopt a Work-From-Home (WFH) arrangement.
7. Absences rendered due to non-COVID-l9 related reasons shall be governed by the existing policies on leaves and vacation service credits.
8. The submission of the Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report (IDLAR) for attendance monitoring purposes, shall be suspended for all personnel reporting onsite. Daily time logs shall be reported through Daily Time Record (DTR) through biometric machines and logbooks.
9. Nevertheless, the Department encourages all heads of offices/ schools/ CLCs to continue the use of IDLAR for performance monitoring purposes.
10. Heads of offices/ schools/ CLCs shall ensure the provision of necessary support and resources to all personnel reporting onsite to avoid delay and disruption in the delivery of basic education services and ensure compliance with minimum health and safety protocols, such as but not limited to adequate bandwidth and internet connectivity, safe and conducive workspaces, provision of hygiene supplies,
among others.
11. Remote and flexible work arrangements as prescribed in CSC MC 18, s. 2O2O, Amendment to the Revised Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mehanism for workers in the Government during the Period of State of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-l9 Pandemic and DepEd Order (DO) No. O11, s. 2O20 titled Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education During the Period of State of National Emergency Due to COVID-l9 Pandemic may be adopted, as deemed appropriate and insofar as practicable, in accordance with the required onsite capacity depending on the prevailing COVID-19 alert level in the locality where the
office/school/ CLC is located.
12. Heads of offices/schools/ClCs in all governance levels are instructed to demonstrate leadership and decisiveness when confronted with concerns taking into consideration of the welfare of employees while ensuring productivity, and compliance to existing and subsequent issuances.
13. This Memorandum takes effect immediately upon issuance unless modified or repealed by subsequent issuance/s from DepEd, CSC, LATF, Department of Health, or the Office of the President.
14. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
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New Work Arrangements for DepEd Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel (DM 29, s. 2022)
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 09, 2022

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