Here is the calendar of activities for the month of April 2022 based on DepEd Order No. 029, s. 2021 or the School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2021-2022.
April 8 - End of Academic Quarter 3
April 9 - The Day of Valor (Regular Holiday)
April 11 - Stat of Academic Quarter 4
April 14 - Maunday Thursday (Regular Holiday)
April 15 - Good Friday (Regular Holiday)
April 16 - Black Saturday (Regular Holiday)
April 23 - Parent-Teacher Conference/Distribution of Report Cards
TBA - Administration of ELLNA, NAT 6 & 10
Number of Class Days: 22
School Calendar of Activities for the Month of APRIL 2022 (4 Holidays)
Reviewed by Teachers Click
April 05, 2022

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