Teachers are entitled to OVERTIME PAY or EQUIVALENT SERVICE CREDITS according to human rights lawyer
According to human rights lawyer Atty. Chel Diokno, if public school teachers work more than eight hours a day, they have the right to receive overtime pay.
In a video posted on his Youtube account, Diokno stated that, like other government workers, teachers are only obligated to work for eight hours per day.
Diokno mentioned that Section 13 of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, also known as Republic Act No. 4670, and the Department of Education Memorandum No. 291, Series of 2008, state that an eight-hour workday for school teachers should consist of six hours of classroom teaching and two hours of other teaching-related tasks.
He also added that teachers should receive overtime pay for any additional teaching or work they do within the school premises. However, if there is not enough funding for overtime pay, Diokno suggests that teachers should be given service credits equivalent to 1.25 hours for every hour of overtime worked.
Teachers are entitled to OVERTIME PAY or EQUIVALENT SERVICE CREDITS according to human rights lawyer
Reviewed by Teachers Click
November 20, 2023

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