List of Teacher Ancillary Tasks (For the remaining 2 hours of regular work)

A.3 Teacher Ancillary Tasks

1. To further support the teaching and learning process, Teacher Ancillary Tasks shall be performed in the remaining two (2) hours of the regular work.

2. The following shall be considered as Teacher Ancillary Tasks:

a. Curriculum Planning
i. Preparation of lesson plans/daily lesson logs
ii. Action research
iii. Attendance to Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions
b. Curriculum Delivery and Pedagogy
i. Preparation of instructional aids and materials
ii. Checking and recording learners' attendance and participation
iii. Classroom management
c. Assessment of Learners' Progress
i. Checking of exercises and summative tests
ii. Recording of academic performance results
iii. Grading learners' performance or achievement
d. Homeroom Guidance and Management
i. Class advising duties
ii. Periodic reporting of attendance
iii. Preparation and submission of report cards and other school forms
iv. Conference with parents and home visits when necessary

3. For Master Teachers, coaching, mentoring, and providing technical assistance to colleagues shall be treated as an ancillary task. Learning Action Cell (LAC) coordinator/In-Service Training (INSET) Coordinator shall be included in their function, among others.

4. School Heads shall prepare individual class programs ensuring that the schedule of teachers gives ample time for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to normal teaching duties herein defined.

5. Teachers conducting conferences with parents and home visits performed beyond regular work hours shall be granted with VSC, subject to the guidelines provided herein or as defined by other DepEd issuances.

6. Master Teachers performing coaching and mentoring, as well as providing technical assistance to colleagues beyond regular work hours shall likewise be granted with VSC, in accordance with existing applicable guidelines.

List of Teacher Ancillary Tasks (For the remaining 2 hours of regular work) List of Teacher Ancillary Tasks (For the remaining 2 hours of regular work) Reviewed by Teachers Click on June 22, 2024 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Can we consider coaching/mentoring is ancilliary tasks can it be considered as 1 load equivalent to 5 hrs so we will not claim for overload payment


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