DepEd Order No. 005, s. 2024: Rationalization of Teachers' Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload
This DepEd Order provides guidelines on the rationalization of teachers' workload in public schools and streamlines teachers other tasks by specifying allowed teaching-related assignments.
This Order covers all DepEd-employed teachers engaged in classroom teaching, on a full-time basis, under permanent, provisional, or substitute status in all public elementary and secondary schools.
1. To ensure that teachers are focused on their core mandate, only the following teaching-related assignments on top of the teacher ancillary tasks as herein defined may be designated to teachers, provided that developmental programs are included in the School Improvement Plan (SIP):
A. School Coordinator
i. Reading/Literacy and Numeracy
ii. Research
iii. Special Needs Education (SNED)
iv. Information, Communication, and Technology
v. Guidance and Advocacy
vi. Inclusive Education (as may be applicable)
B. Trainer/Adviser
i. School Paper
ii. Sports Development Programs
iii. Supreme Elementary Learner Government (SELG) /Supreme Secondary Learner Government (SSLG)
C. Chairmanship
i. Grade Level
ii. Learning Area
2. In the designation of teaching-related assignments, School Heads shall consider the specialization of teachers who shall be assigned, along with their respective workloads. Teachers with less than six (6) hours of teaching load shall be prioritized in the designation to teaching-related assignments. They shall also consider the guidelines and requirements written in other existing policies related to the teaching-related assignments which shall be designated to teachers.
3. Designation of teaching-related assignments shall be enabled by a designation order from the school head duly concurred by the teacher concerned. School shall prepare a list of teachers designated to perform teaching-related assignments and submit the same to the Office of the SDS for approval. The School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) shall keep a copy for recording, monitoring, and work interfacing purposes. Teaching-related assignments must be reflected in the electronic School Form 7 (eSF7). This document shall serve as basis for future management action and decision on workload assignments or request for additional manpower.
Teaching-related assignments must be reflected in the electronic School Form 7 (eSF7). This document shall serve as basis for future management action and decision on workload assignments or request for additional manpower.
4. Teachers performing teaching-related assignments, duties, and responsibilities beyond regular work hours, whether within or outside the school premises, shall be granted with VSC subject to the guidelines provided herein or as defined by other DepEd issuances.
5. Other teaching-related assignments arising from new programs from higher and within governance levels, whether internal initiatives or resulting from partnership with stakeholders, shall be subsumed in any of the categories mentioned under V.A.4.1.
SOURCE: DepEd Order No. 005, s. 2024
List of Teaching-related Assignments for Teachers
Reviewed by Teachers Click
July 13, 2024

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