Sec. Angara delivers good news to all public school teachers

DepEd Sec. Sonny Angara announces on his official Facebook page the upcoming policy on the flexibility of the Matatag curriculum and creates a task force to review the RPMS and teachers' workload.

In recent interviews, Sec. Angara stressed that the department will be releasing a new DepEd Order that will provide flexibility to the teaching hours of teachers from 7-8 subjects (45 minutes each) back to at least 6 subjects (1 hour each).

Angara adheres to his campaign to ease the workload of teachers so that they can perform well in providing quality education to our learners.

Sec. Angara delivers good news to all public school teachers Sec. Angara delivers good news to all public school teachers Reviewed by Teachers Click on September 09, 2024 Rating: 5

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